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Screenshots » id:72670
If anyone knew me in FFXI you all know i loved DRG and did my best to get a Relic many years ago, although not as much of an achievemnt in FFXIV i felt i needed to do the same :) Finally done!
Score: 3.47
Votes: 62
Classification Player » Tuvae
Tags Zeik Tuvai Balmung Gae Bolg DRG Relic
Date Submitted 2013-09-29 16:31:14
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Comments (7)
Bismarck.Osaia[Report] Score: 12
I dont know how hard a relic is in FFXIV, but congratulations...and I swear, the number of complete morons who post on something "they dont care about" is astounding. Here's a idea. Get a pad of post-it notes. Now, when you see something you don't care about, you can post on it. My car is green? Don't like it? Stick a sticky note on it and tell me how you don't care! At Food Lion? Hate beans! Let management know you don't care, slap a mufukn sticky on it!
2013-09-30 00:33:41
Shiva.Aisukage[Report] Score: 1
Grats Tuvae.

@Sieha No not as hard as it use to be in XI by any means but even in XI now getting an overpowering weapon is a joke even the relics are a joke. At least getting a relic in XIV is a lot more fun with many interesting fights you have to do. All you did in XI was farm the same ***everyday. honestly it is less of an achievement then it is in XIV just took its time.
2013-09-30 20:36:20
Asura.Voevode[Report] Score: 0
Actually having darklight armor before finishing relic is an achievement in its own.
2013-09-30 09:13:41
Odin.Godofgods[Report] Score: 0
Reminds me of the hero shot in Fable.

Congrats on the weapon tho'
At least your out there doing something rather then trolling photos to whine about doing nothing'

Love that armor btw
2013-09-30 12:08:00
Ragnarok.Marquiss[Report] Score: -7
2013-09-29 20:19:39
Fenrir.Mesic Show Score: -14
Must be a hardcore achievment considering the games only been out like a month. Even including beta meh.
2013-09-29 23:38:15
Siren.Sieha Show Score: -30
hmm no, dont care. also with the number of 'relic' screen shots, it seems that getting one is easy and not worth the screen shot. there is a place you can keep these screen shots its called your hard drive. thanks and have a nice day.
2013-09-29 21:18:34