Sweetbella - Unicorn

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San d'Oria 10 | Orthrus Decapitator
I love Soothsayer <3 (married in BOTH game & REAL life)... Just here to /jobemote.
10 10 10
Zilart The Last Verse
Promathia The Last Verse
ToAU Eternal Mercenary
Assault Chief Sergeant
Altana Daughter of a Knight
Campaign Brass Wings of Service
C.Prophecy A Crystalline Prophecy (Fin.)
M.KupoD'etat A Moogle Kupo d'Etat (Fin.)
S.Ascension Fountain of Trouble
Smithing 3
Clothcraft 54
Alchemy 11
Woodworking 44
Goldsmithing 50
Leathercrafting 12
Bonecraft 23
Cooking 92
Fishing 1
WAR 75 MNK 58
WHM 90 BLM 82
RDM 90 THF 90
PLD 36 DRK 78
BST 31 BRD 75
RNG 75 SAM 44
NIN 75 DRG 90
SMN 75 BLU 90
COR 41 PUP 6
DNC 57 SCH 54
Exp Totals
Level Total
Exp Total
Maat Jobs
Exp to Maat Cap

Comments (8)
Unicorn.Montparnasse[Report] Score: 4
"I love you x infinity^2"? Oy... GETZ A ROOM!
Oh wait, you probably haz one. Carry on.
2010-05-04 22:19:46
Gilgamesh.Astrida[Report] Score: 0
hey i made another cesil pic^^
Thanks sweetcheeks! Im very proud of myself. Hes making us girls look bad. <3
2010-05-18 01:44:52
Unicorn.Sats[Report] Score: -1
Lets delevel rdm and whm together! =P
2010-06-04 22:20:39
Unicorn.Soothsayer[Report] Score: -7
I love you x infinity^2
You own my koolaid shop ^^
Don't let any haters talk ***, you are beautiful and some *** just need to stay buried in their moms basement......LOL@Ethics

I love you so much, you are my everything
2010-06-14 01:34:08
Unicorn.Bellaa[Report] Score: -1
{Nice to meet you.} too =)
If i had a 100 gil for everytime i heard: Sweetbella {Found it} in my linkshell...i would be crazy rich! <3 ...OR... that I was referred to as the NotsosweetBellaa!! LOL, which I am most certainly super sweet!
2010-06-16 20:15:39
Unicorn.Sweetbella[Report] Score: -7
I invented Awesome Sauce ◕‿◕

"In my spare time, I wanna collect tarutaru to decorate my walls."

[-I love Soothsayer-]
2010-06-23 15:36:42
Siren.Miayoko[Report] Score: -2
=( Aww why did you take your r/l pics down your a pretty ladah!
2010-07-02 14:37:47
Unicorn.Aruji[Report] Score: -1
2010-08-01 13:48:04
Screenshots (5)