Legoras - Phoenix

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PM Phoenix.Legoras

Price History (25)
Chunk Of Beitetsu x99Sep. 1, 2023LegorasSkipper751,000
Crystal Of Swart Astral Detritus x99Sep. 1, 2023LegorasHelissio9,900,000
Riftborn Boulder x99Sep. 1, 2023LegorasIsuzuriver250,000
Pluton x99Sep. 1, 2023LegorasBabylon100,000
Riftborn Boulder x99Aug. 30, 2023LegorasMiyumau250,000
Pluton x99Aug. 29, 2023LegorasBakuten89,000
Riftborn Boulder x99Aug. 29, 2023LegorasAspect240,000
Pluton x99Aug. 28, 2023LegorasUnstoppablefoe90,000
Pluton x99Aug. 28, 2023LegorasUnstoppablefoe90,000
Pluton x99Aug. 28, 2023LegorasUnstoppablefoe90,000
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