Saboten - Ifrit

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PM Ifrit.Saboten

Price History (25)
Holy DegenMay. 9, 2011SabotenFraeya15,000
Winter Puk EggMay. 8, 2011SabotenSharpe1,000
Square Of GalateiaMay. 8, 2011SabotenYufafa10,000
Chunk Of Aluminum OreMay. 8, 2011SabotenPicco1,000
Eruca EggMay. 8, 2011SabotenShirou3,000
Brass ZaghnalMay. 8, 2011RusyeSaboten2,000
Bloodwood LogMay. 6, 2011SabotenCapnpoo3,000
Filthy Gnole ClawMay. 5, 2011SabotenHiiroyuy1,000
Studded TrousersMay. 5, 2011CobodoSaboten4,000
Rusty KunaiMay. 5, 2011LupinthirdSaboten3,500
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