Lustrellia - Hades

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PM Hades.Lustrellia
San d'Oria 10 | Silencer of the Echo

Price History (25)
Water CrystalOct. 31, 2009KohakuxLustrellia1,363
Marinara PizzaAug. 16, 2009SeraraLustrellia4,000
Serving Of Bison SteakAug. 16, 2009ShifmaLustrellia5,000
Erlking's KhetenAug. 9, 2009TomatoxLustrellia46,000
Great Bow +1Aug. 6, 2009LustrelliaRuhjuh40,000
Potent BeltAug. 5, 2009LustrelliaPeter140,000
Meat Mithkabob x12Aug. 4, 2009LuciyLustrellia5,000
Marinara Pizza +1Aug. 4, 2009SeraraLustrellia6,200
Marinara PizzaAug. 4, 2009SeraraLustrellia3,200
Fang EarringAug. 1, 2009LeirLustrellia6,000
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