Safeara - Bahamut

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PM Bahamut.Safeara
Life is too short to not live it to the fullest....Love Life, Its Beautiful

Price History (8)
Dark StaffAug. 20, 2009SafearaMicchy8,000
Light StaffAug. 20, 2009SafearaOnsheeta10,000
Errant HouppelandeAug. 20, 2009SafearaPangaea53,000
Griffon HideAug. 9, 2009SafearaPaytaru7,000
Raptor SkinAug. 8, 2009SafearaSakuro1,000
Rolanberry Pie x12Aug. 8, 2009LilyukiSafeara2,800
Scroll Of Recall-MeriphAug. 8, 2009YoshiaSafeara48,000
Scroll Of BarpetraAug. 8, 2009PinkmixSafeara20,000
Comments (10)
Asura.Cyclos[Report] Score: -3
=o *pokes your cheek*
2009-06-17 01:45:35
Bahamut.Xswift[Report] Score: 0
finally something to be excited about, eye candy on bahamut
2009-06-27 01:46:08
Ragnarok.Elkanah[Report] Score: -1
Beautiful Smile. Never stop smiling! ^^b
2009-06-27 02:52:57
Ragnarok.Atreyus[Report] Score: -2
u really exist?
2009-06-27 14:44:09
Bahamut.Revision[Report] Score: -2
Oh wow, your on my server. Yes its mine. Funny how the two best looking people wound up on one server... haha
2009-06-27 16:00:39
Bahamut.Stanflame[Report] Score: -1
Safeara /cheer nice pictures!
2009-06-27 16:23:59
Ramuh.Dasva[Report] Score: 0
Hmmm figment of my imagination... I'd believe that.
2009-06-28 15:03:14
Remora.Eireamhon[Report] Score: -1
Absolutely STUNNING! If you have a significant other, they're very blessed. If you don't, someone WILL be.
2009-06-29 12:27:48
Pandemonium.Vydenn[Report] Score: 1
hi safy hows things on bahmunt

<3 ^-^
2009-08-19 11:44:32
Bahamut.Safeara[Report] Score: 0
Playing FFXIV on Selbina server, char name Aurora Moon. Hit me up
2011-02-16 19:43:57
Screenshots (11)