Deadlypanda - Bahamut

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users online
PM Bahamut.Deadlypanda
Bastok 10 | N/A
10 10 1
Zilart The Last Verse
Promathia The Last Verse
ToAU Eternal Mercenary
Assault First Lieutenant
Altana Lest We Forget
Campaign Wings of Integrity
C.Prophecy A Crystalline Prophecy (Fin.)
M.KupoD'etat Drenched! It Began with a Raindrop
S.Ascension Shantotto in Chains
Smithing 70
Clothcraft 70
Alchemy 70
Woodworking 110
Goldsmithing 70
Leathercrafting 70
Bonecraft 70
Cooking 14
Fishing 12
Synergy 80
WAR 99 MNK 99
WHM 99 BLM 99
RDM 99 THF 99
PLD 99 DRK 99
BST 99 BRD 99
RNG 99 SAM 99
NIN 99 DRG 99
SMN 99 BLU 99
COR 99 PUP 99
DNC 99 SCH 99
GEO 99 RUN 99
Exp Totals
Level Total
Exp Total
Maat Jobs
Exp to Maat Cap
Relics Spharai (119) Verethragna (119) Godhands (119) Mandau (119) Carnwenhan (119) Aeneas (119) Excalibur (119) Almace (119) Sequence (119) Ragnarok (119) Caladbolg (119) Guttler (119) Farsha (119) Bravura (119) Ukonvasara (119) Chango (119) Apocalypse (119) Liberator (119) Redemption (119) Anguta (119) Gungnir (119) Trishula (119) Kikoku (119) Heishi Shorinken (119) Dojikiri Yasutsuna (119) Mjollnir (119) Yagrush (119) Gambanteinn (119) Tishtrya (119) Claustrum (119) Laevateinn (119) Hvergelmir (119) Khatvanga (119) Yoichinoyumi (119) Gandiva (119) Annihilator (119) Death Penalty (119) Armageddon (119) Fomalhaut (119) Lionheart (119) Tri-edge (119) Fail-Not (119) Srivatsa (119) Aegis (99) Daurdabla (99) Gjallarhorn (99) Marsyas (99)

Price History (25)
Super ReraiserFeb. 16, 2025SuhanDeadlypanda30,000
ReraiserFeb. 16, 2025HexDeadlypanda5,000
Hi-reraiserFeb. 16, 2025AglaonemaDeadlypanda10,000
Vial Of Befouled WaterFeb. 15, 2025MiltyDeadlypanda80,000
Kyrene's EarringFeb. 2, 2025DeadlypandaMizal40,000
Chunk Of Plovid Flesh x12Jan. 26, 2025DeadlypandaMozzart9,000,000
Defiant Scarf x12Jan. 26, 2025DeadlypandaWeche7,800,000
Defiant Scarf x12Jan. 25, 2025DeadlypandaAydindril7,500,000
Macuil Plating x12Jan. 25, 2025DeadlypandaRozen9,500,000
Vial Of Plovid Effluvium x12Jan. 19, 2025DeadlypandaAydindril2,900,000
Comments (8)
Bahamut.Tokisusu[Report] Score: -10
Come to FFXIV on Gilgamesh. We're waiting for you, sexy.
2014-02-13 00:45:49
Bahamut.Samunai[Report] Score: 0
galkaaaaaaaaaa :D

hi =3
2016-11-06 17:22:22
Bahamut.Verda[Report] Score: 2
Privileged to know this Galka :D
2017-01-22 23:15:27
Bahamut.Profane[Report] Score: 0
the deadlypanda!!
2017-02-05 23:03:24
Bahamut.Negan[Report] Score: 3
Race: Dark Knight
Job: Galka
2017-04-04 00:16:24
Asura.Roughwind[Report] Score: 0
The great Deadlypanda my man its been ages, hope your doing alright.
2019-03-14 10:56:02
Bahamut.Elazar[Report] Score: 2
Great player. Miss you man.
2019-07-04 15:19:48
Bahamut.Pandaa[Report] Score: 0
This is one cool panda woo!
2022-05-21 14:08:10
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