Hiep - Alexander

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PM Alexander.Hiep
Windurst 10 | Glavoid Stampeder
Buy or sell? Send a message or PM me 12/19/09 :D 5/2/08 7/14.Live with a witch named Trixan >.> Help out a taru and sell me stuff :D!!!!! Crafting Services, Do you need it? If you wanan buy, send a message of price.
1 10 1
Zilart The Last Verse
Promathia The Last Verse
ToAU Eternal Mercenary
Assault First Lieutenant
Altana A Timeswept Butterfly
Campaign Moonlight Medal
C.Prophecy A Crystalline Prophecy (Fin.)
M.KupoD'etat A Moogle Kupo d'Etat (Fin.)
S.Ascension That Which Curdles Blood
Smithing 60
Clothcraft 100
Alchemy 0
Woodworking 9
Goldsmithing 60
Leathercrafting 60
Bonecraft 15
Cooking 15
Fishing 10
WAR 50 MNK 17
WHM 50 BLM 90
RDM 90 THF 50
PLD 10 DRK 90
BST 90 BRD 8
RNG 21 SAM 86
NIN 50 DRG 51
SMN 9 BLU 18
COR 24 PUP 19
DNC 51 SCH 50
Relics Farsha (80)

Price History (100)
Cursed Dalmatica -1May. 9, 2011HiepHiep40,000,000
Star EarringMay. 8, 2011HiepSatfinal90,000
Red CapeMay. 8, 2011HiinaHiep5,000
Red CapeMay. 8, 2011HiinaHiep5,000
Brass TankMay. 8, 2011KartiyHiep15,000
Khimaira ManeMay. 8, 2011AxyzHiep10,000
High-quality Black Tiger HideMay. 7, 2011MakotaruHiep6,000
Audumbla HideMay. 7, 2011FumitukiHiep68,000
Mahatma HatMay. 7, 2011FizzyHiep20,000
Helical GearMay. 7, 2011DwingHiep5,000
Comments (12)
Alexander.Specimen[Report] Score: 0
2008-10-09 10:47:27
Alexander.Munkustrap[Report] Score: -2
<3 tony D:!!!!
2009-05-29 17:23:45
Alexander.Hiep[Report] Score: 0
2009-06-06 06:48:06
Alexander.Syxx[Report] Score: -3
Need sum skin!?!?!???!? D:<
2009-08-01 14:29:07
Alexander.Theweed[Report] Score: -2
Blm taru FTW impossible to gauge just like me:P
2009-09-29 14:32:28
Garuda.Neptun[Report] Score: 0
I know... I didnt jump server... It was a friend of mine! But thats another story. Miss u guys!
2009-10-05 03:14:58
Alexander.Aikido[Report] Score: 0
You will, I know it. You just have to get that furniture. :)~
2009-10-29 18:48:07
Alexander.Jobea[Report] Score: -2
2010-03-01 00:43:27
Alexander.Prowl[Report] Score: -2
sup pet food #1 >)
2010-03-12 18:42:34
Alexander.Trixan[Report] Score: 1
Ewww >_> hate this weirdo thats living with me.
2010-05-11 16:39:26
Screenshots (5)