A tasty hot sandwich made with
succulent coeurl saute and soft
white bread.
MP+10 STR+5 AGI+1 INT-2
Attack+20% (Max. 75)
Ranged Attack+20% (Max. 75)
"Resist Stun"+4
HP recovered while healing +1
As beein cook by myself its good that these sell fast but dont buy these unless youre at 330+ Attack.
Before that Chief Mithkabob will give you a better attack boost with same STR boost.
Price check these against Yellow Curry Buns before buying. Pretty much the exact same bonuses (bun = HP+20 AGI +2 INT -4 hHP +2 hMP +1 vs sub = MP+10 AGI+1 INT-2 hHP +1) for the same 30 minutes. Both have the same STR +5, Atk +20% capped at 375, Resist Stun and Sleep that the DDs love. As for the differences above... yeah, that's not what you're buying these for. 5k difference today on Fairy per stack.
I think it's sad how crafters (who should know better then anyone) *** about undercutting when they damn well know prices are in flux and change often. If you decided to level a craft to high levels (80+) to make money off one single synth, then you're an idiot.
Maybe some others don't sell AS fast, but they do sell as well, and bring in considerable profit.. If a certain item is being spammed on your server, THEN FIND ANOTHER ONE... It's not that damn hard, oh and you can make profit form the simplest of things, like meat mithkabobs, if you put in the work to farm the ingredients yourself.