Will require +5 more STP to maintain a 6hit with this GK in comparison to the 450 delays. In total it will be +16 instead of +11. Which will amount to +51 STP from Job Traits, Merits and Gear to maintain.
@mikeysan tp/hit is based on delay. the tp/hit for a GK with 437 delay is 11.2 while the tp/hit for a GK with 450 delay is 11.5. so you need more STP to maintain your 6hit with the lower delay. every samurai should know this.
11.5 x 1.46 = 16.7 tp/hit. that's your typical 6hit. 11.2 x 1.46 = 16.3 tp/hit (not a 6hit). therefore more STP is required
If this is the token bandwagon weapon, what weapon do us career Samurai's use then?
Even though Samurai isn't as strong as it once was (inside Abyssea might I add), there's not a lot of other weapons for us to use if we don't have Amano. And I also wouldn't say sticking with your favourite class through thick and thin a sign of 'bandwagoning'. I would have said moving to MNK/NIN etc etc would be more appropriate of the title.
Syto, /sigh.. Again with the random insults and childish side.
In the interest of posterity here are the facts. Syto you are the worst leader i have ever encountered, and i've been in the Army for 16 years so thats saying alot. You are self centered, inmature, and lacking in even the most rudimentry leadership quality.
Case in point is the fact that you and your clan are no doubt exploring the new Abyssea add-ons. I'd be willing to wager though that should anything really nice drop for Samurai, you will as usual claim it for your own and promise to get it for others later.
Your RL example of running the LS like a corporation is only apt if your comparing Omniscient to the Wal-Mart Corporation. Try to remember when you clomp carelessly over the other deserving members of you're "Corporation" to get those sweet morsels of what you seem to use as evidence of self worth, that those other people are the only reason you have anything but an unfulfilled desire for "MOAR".