Kaht - Cerberus

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users online
PM Cerberus.Kaht
Windurst 10 | Celaeno Silencer
70/70 119 REMA 2020-03-05 ----- 5/5 Omen Body 2020-08-20 ----- Smythe's Escutcheon 2020-08-22 ----- <Fadee> everyone in here calls me shitstain all the time ----- So long, everyone. Might be back someday, but had enough for now.
10 10 10
Zilart The Last Verse
Promathia The Last Verse
ToAU Eternal Mercenary
Assault Captain
Altana Lest We Forget
Campaign Moonlight Medal
C.Prophecy A Crystalline Prophecy (Fin.)
M.KupoD'etat A Moogle Kupo d'Etat (Fin.)
S.Ascension A Shantotto Ascension (Fin)
Smithing 110
Clothcraft 70
Alchemy 70
Woodworking 70
Goldsmithing 70
Leathercrafting 70
Bonecraft 70
Cooking 70
Fishing 110
Synergy 80
WAR 99 MNK 99
WHM 99 BLM 99
RDM 99 THF 99
PLD 99 DRK 99
BST 99 BRD 99
RNG 99 SAM 99
NIN 99 DRG 99
SMN 99 BLU 99
COR 99 PUP 99
DNC 99 SCH 99
GEO 99 RUN 99
Exp Totals
Level Total
Exp Total
Maat Jobs
Exp to Maat Cap
Relics Spharai (119) Glanzfaust (119) Kenkonken (119) Verethragna (119) Godhands (119) Mandau (119) Terpsichore (119) Vajra (119) Carnwenhan (119) Twashtar (119) Aeneas (119) Excalibur (119) Murgleis (119) Burtgang (119) Tizona (119) Almace (119) Sequence (119) Ragnarok (119) Caladbolg (119) Epeolatry (119) Guttler (119) Aymur (119) Farsha (119) Bravura (119) Conqueror (119) Ukonvasara (119) Chango (119) Apocalypse (119) Liberator (119) Redemption (119) Anguta (119) Gungnir (119) Ryunohige (119) Rhongomiant (119) Trishula (119) Kikoku (119) Nagi (119) Kannagi (119) Heishi Shorinken (119) Amanomurakumo (119) Kogarasumaru (119) Masamune (119) Dojikiri Yasutsuna (119) Mjollnir (119) Yagrush (119) Gambanteinn (119) Idris (119) Tishtrya (119) Claustrum (119) Tupsimati (119) Laevateinn (119) Nirvana (119) Hvergelmir (119) Khatvanga (119) Yoichinoyumi (119) Gandiva (119) Gastraphetes (119) Annihilator (119) Death Penalty (119) Armageddon (119) Fomalhaut (119) Lionheart (119) Tri-edge (119) Fail-Not (119) Srivatsa (119) Ochain (99) Aegis (99) Daurdabla (99) Gjallarhorn (99) Marsyas (99)

Comments (12)
Caitsith.Jar[Report] Score: -2
2010-04-19 16:30:26
Cerberus.Excelior[Report] Score: -3
His wife is hot.
2010-05-12 02:55:35
Bismarck.Dierdreh[Report] Score: -3
Aww you dont like mah mole? D= (jk xD)
2010-05-21 17:37:51
Cerberus.Rikoriko[Report] Score: -2
OneWingedAngel!...I remember you, Zonobia too!
2010-06-04 19:39:11
Odin.Doodlebug[Report] Score: -2
Lol, I just realized you basically called me fat... if only haha
2011-04-28 09:38:54
Cerberus.Neverslip[Report] Score: -1
Gonna miss ya dude. Have a good one.
2012-01-28 20:38:07
Bahamut.Scaevola[Report] Score: 1
May the road rise to meet you.

(it won't have to rise very high)

((because you're short))

(((hey guys jokes about tarutaru)))
2012-05-13 13:55:43
Cerberus.Dregis[Report] Score: -1
The one thing no man in the world will ever say, the one thing that has never been said in any past generation or age:

"Please stop sucking my ***"
2015-02-15 15:51:06
Cerberus.Avalon[Report] Score: -3
Dat 119 Almace!

Now you get to afterglow that beast.
2016-02-15 10:35:46
Cerberus.Dierdren[Report] Score: -2
2019-03-14 02:26:19
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