The Evasion Down additional effect on this Polearm procures very often. That being said makes it better than the grand knights lance with +7 accuracy. The Mezraq helps your whole party out. But if you are a dragoon in desperate need of some accuracy go for the grand knights lance because you have to ride either of these lances for a while.
Really, DM and GKL are comparable. Mezraq does go off fairly often, but I've encountered dry spells of 2-3 mobs between activation and had it hit a mob multiple times. And it does help your party as a whole. But that Eva- effect won't last an entire fight.
The two are essentially equal. Pick whichever you feel comfortable with.
@Braxtone You know what helps out your whole party more? not doing mostly 200-300dmg Penta Thrusts, which is what the DRG that use this polearm do while the ones that use Grand Knight's Lance mostly do 500-600dmg. Acc really helps Penta Thrust especially versus food stealing birds.