Due to the December update farming Orc Piercers, Shell Busters and Yagudo Freezers is no longer profitable. the prices have dropped for what they sell to npc's for. they now sell for anything from 240 gil for piercers to 99 gil for shell busters.
TY SE for screwing over one more honest way to farm.
I don't believe this! What a bunch of B.S.! SE does not want anyone buying gil but they continue to take away means of making gil honestly! WTF? Price gouging continues out of control but earning the gil to try and buy these overpriced items is being stifled. EPIC FAIL!
Just de synth it and stop moaning Havocin, it was an anti rmt messure and anything anti rmt is good for the game. just lvl WW to about the same lvl as the lumber and ya just made 3k ish so what its not 7 but its not like ya should be farming this 24/7