Very helpful item for completing PFC rank Lebros Cavern Assault mission (Lebros Supplies) quickly, especially for those who do not have their Thief leveled high enough to be able to Flee.
I would say that Powder boots are an excellent addition to any kiter or puller's arsenal. If you're not a THF or don't want to waste your sub job on /THF just for Flee, these are excellent. If you keep 2-3 pair on you, you can Flee frequently.
Even THF can enjoy these boots--a pair of Powder Boots can be used to extend your Flee time. Use Powder Boots, pull your target, run, and when the first Flee wears off, use your JA Flee.
Very useful in Nyzul Isle and certain Dynamis zones as well.
Downside to these, and all enchantment items is that you will not be able to perform any action for 8-10 after using them. Might suggest to use these then just aggro stuff instead of waiting the time it takes to perform a /RA, for example.