Anyone else rather tired of seeing "Geo can I have it? (Idris Only)"?
I feel like the bonuses that Idris provides, while good, are not needed for a vast majority of content in the game. Idris, much like G-horn, provides it's user with a boost in potency to his/her spells by an potent amount. However, in the end, all this really does is reduce the kill time of the boss. For content such as Reisenjima T1s, Escha-Zi'tah T3s, and most UC, you should never need that extra 20 seconds; if you do, it means your DD isn't good enough.
I feel like for most content we, as a playerbase, are spoiled in that we get upset if we don't get the fastest kills; I'm guilty of this myself. It seems as though we are striving to find the fastest ways to do content. I get it, the faster we get it done the more time we have irl. In all honestly, I'd even an argue that for some LS-Run content Idris isn't a requirement. I've done Omen countless times with no problem using non-Idris geos, I can't even remember the last time I got an Idris Geo for Unity Concord.
The other issue that end game players to seem to avoid is that >Most< Geos in Ffxi do not have Idris. Idris is a very time consuming weapon to get, especially for returning players. The argument "Coalition assignments have been a thing forever, you should have them done" doesn't really apply to someone coming back to the game for the first time in 6 years. It feels like Geos are placed into two classes. 1st class: Idris Geo. 2nd class: All other Geos (Regardless of if they have no equipment sets or 6, they're all assumed of the same tier).
The only situation in which I feel like Idris Geo is "required" is if you're doing a Zerg fight. Stuff such as Smn burns, or WoC, whereas you need to dish out a certain amount of damage in a limited time is exactly where Idris excels. The issue with this requirement is that people are opting to following these Zerg methods over other ones, which leaves Non-Idris Geos without a place in content. When such content, besides Master Trails and Aeonics, starts to be affected by the "kill as fast as possible" mentality, then 2nd class Geos start to take the heat. A perfect example of this is the Smn burn Ambuscade we had a few months ago. Was Idris Geo needed? Nope! Did people only take Idris Geo? Yup!
Basically to summarize, we as a player base are becoming spoiled with quick kills. This leads us to expect all Geos, who associate themselves with us, to be of a certain gear requirement. In most cases, the gear is not needed and is simply a boon in the situation. This causes certain players to be exiled as we have come to expected the impossible from returning players. In short, please think about if you really need an Idris Geo for most content you do; ty.
P.S: How ironic is it that we don't let returning players into Ambuscade parties, expect them to "gear up" before they join us, then complain when there are people soloing Ambuscade and wasting our time. Hmm?