Is Idris not needed?
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 419
By Quetzalcoatl.Senaki 2018-04-22 15:55:37
Anyone else rather tired of seeing "Geo can I have it? (Idris Only)"?
I feel like the bonuses that Idris provides, while good, are not needed for a vast majority of content in the game. Idris, much like G-horn, provides it's user with a boost in potency to his/her spells by an potent amount. However, in the end, all this really does is reduce the kill time of the boss. For content such as Reisenjima T1s, Escha-Zi'tah T3s, and most UC, you should never need that extra 20 seconds; if you do, it means your DD isn't good enough.
I feel like for most content we, as a playerbase, are spoiled in that we get upset if we don't get the fastest kills; I'm guilty of this myself. It seems as though we are striving to find the fastest ways to do content. I get it, the faster we get it done the more time we have irl. In all honestly, I'd even an argue that for some LS-Run content Idris isn't a requirement. I've done Omen countless times with no problem using non-Idris geos, I can't even remember the last time I got an Idris Geo for Unity Concord.
The other issue that end game players to seem to avoid is that >Most< Geos in Ffxi do not have Idris. Idris is a very time consuming weapon to get, especially for returning players. The argument "Coalition assignments have been a thing forever, you should have them done" doesn't really apply to someone coming back to the game for the first time in 6 years. It feels like Geos are placed into two classes. 1st class: Idris Geo. 2nd class: All other Geos (Regardless of if they have no equipment sets or 6, they're all assumed of the same tier).
The only situation in which I feel like Idris Geo is "required" is if you're doing a Zerg fight. Stuff such as Smn burns, or WoC, whereas you need to dish out a certain amount of damage in a limited time is exactly where Idris excels. The issue with this requirement is that people are opting to following these Zerg methods over other ones, which leaves Non-Idris Geos without a place in content. When such content, besides Master Trails and Aeonics, starts to be affected by the "kill as fast as possible" mentality, then 2nd class Geos start to take the heat. A perfect example of this is the Smn burn Ambuscade we had a few months ago. Was Idris Geo needed? Nope! Did people only take Idris Geo? Yup!
Basically to summarize, we as a player base are becoming spoiled with quick kills. This leads us to expect all Geos, who associate themselves with us, to be of a certain gear requirement. In most cases, the gear is not needed and is simply a boon in the situation. This causes certain players to be exiled as we have come to expected the impossible from returning players. In short, please think about if you really need an Idris Geo for most content you do; ty.
P.S: How ironic is it that we don't let returning players into Ambuscade parties, expect them to "gear up" before they join us, then complain when there are people soloing Ambuscade and wasting our time. Hmm?
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-04-22 16:03:39
Idris only, only exists on Asura.
If you're seeing that on any other server, theyre morons. (not to say assurans arent morons too)
There is absolutely nothing where Idris is required. Idris alone isnt going to make a 31 minute fail into a 29:59 win.
By geigei 2018-04-22 16:13:04
By your logic we should also not hq our gear and avoid doing rema, cause...not needed. Seems like you got turned down by someone and now cry for attention.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 912
By Lakshmi.Elidyr 2018-04-22 16:13:37
I wont say its needed, but I definitely notice when I dont bring my GEO. Im the only Idris GEO in LS, and I plan to make another on my RUN after I finish Epol.
Needed? No.
Glad I made it? Yes very glad.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 419
By Quetzalcoatl.Senaki 2018-04-22 16:19:14
Seems like you got turned down by someone and now cry for attention.
I just wanted him to carry me through all the game's content for free!!! Is that too much to ask?!?!
By geigei 2018-04-22 16:21:26
Did you ask nicely tho?
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 419
By Quetzalcoatl.Senaki 2018-04-22 16:22:31
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-04-22 16:22:53
One of the very first things new players starting out should be doing is starting coalitions.
That way in 6months when they decide they want an ergon, they are already done with it, instead of bitching it will take ANOTHER 6months to do it.
It should be incorporated into these "starting player" guides that people think are so great.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 419
By Quetzalcoatl.Senaki 2018-04-22 16:29:11
One of the very first things new players starting out should be doing is starting coalitions.
That way in 6months when they decide they want an ergon, they are already done with it, instead of bitching it will take ANOTHER 6months to do it.
It should be incorporated into these "starting player" guides that people think are so great.
That's actually an interesting concept. I think the main reason it isn't included is that it is hard to justify doing coalitions if you don't want to main Geo or Run at the time. It's kinda like saying "do all assaults in case you want to make a mythic". I for an example, still have yet to beat ToAU and can't even access most assaults lol.
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 6,052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-04-22 16:33:17
Idris alone isnt going to make a 31 minute fail into a 29:59 win. it'll turn a 31:00 win into a 24:12 win if you aren't capped pdif in a melee setup though
and a 31:00 win nuking magic neutral mobs into a 24:21 win
and if you're using smn setups, it very well might turn a 1:12 wipe into a 0:49 win
(without BoG/bolster, you get about 28% more ratio from idris frailty+dia2 as opposed to dunna frailty+dia2.. 27% more magic damage from idris malaise as opposed to dunna malaise)
idris is anything but inconsequential, while the lack of an idris won't cause a good group to lose.. having one can certainly carry a bad group to victory, and from the prospective of the shouter it's probably the ONLY gear requirement that can be backed up with logic
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-04-22 16:39:09
Winning faster isn't a requirement, its a desire.
Turning a smn wipe into a win, on schah if the smns are mediocre. May be the only acceptable Idris only scenario.
"I would like to win faster, please have an Idris" instead of IDRISONRY HURRDURR The time you waste looking for "idris only" negates the faster win time. Perfect example of why its HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE.
Server: Siren
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Posts: 3,333
By Siren.Kyte 2018-04-22 17:03:36
Quote: I can't CP pt as a bard because I'm replaced by a Geo, I deal with it by just killing Mandy outside adoulin
what the ***
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 332
By Carbuncle.Stiltz 2018-04-22 17:05:07
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 419
By Quetzalcoatl.Senaki 2018-04-22 17:05:55
@OP : Have you tried making your own party set-up? I'm a bard. Top tier bard has mythic, relic, and empy harp. I have ghorn and terp, so im referred to as a Ghorn +3. For a while i had no access to any of the AA fights. So I made my own setups and started to /yell and sure enough I got all my gears. Same thing with Einherjar, Dynamis, and random bcnm bs. I couldn't farm currency on bard so I lvld bst and unlocked dnc, and that's how I farmed up a Ghorn and a Ragnarok. I understand that you're a returning player, but you have to understand, if you don't move you're F'd. You need to find a way to come up and overcome the bs. I have to figure out how to get my war, who's Ragnarok is still 75 with no access to omen. Quick kills are needed when you have to do the same run 7 times in a row. I can't CP pt as a bard because I'm replaced by a Geo, I deal with it by just killing Mandy outside adoulin. You need to move man; the entire server is not going to change. Move with the river not against it man cause the current if gnarly.
I'm not actually referring to myself, but more my observations :). I'm personally an Idris Geo, Epeo Run, and multiple Aeonics. I had a similar issue starting out actually. I maimed Drg and couldn't get into content so I had to form all my parties haha.
Involving Brd, I am wondering how you couldn't find parties. Was this back when MB Apex was dominate? I ask because in today's CP Apex parties I find: DD, DD (or tank), Brd, Cor, Cor or Geo, Healer. - Is awesome.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 332
By Carbuncle.Stiltz 2018-04-22 17:08:59
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 408
By Sylph.Reain 2018-04-22 17:53:16
I don't think its about kill speed. I think players just want to win and generally gravitate towards the path of least resistance.
Going from Dunna to Idris is a much more potent boost than going from an all songs+3 Linos to Gjallarhorn.
I don't actually think its about a Dunna GEO vs current content. It's about Dunna GEO vs other GEOs with Idris.
Last years Ambuscade update that tripled (I think) VD intense points made Idris pretty trivial to obtain for people playing GEO casually.
My linkshell has at least 10 Idris GEOs now and I'd imagine most other endgame linkshells are similar, if not more.
Yes it's ridiculous to demand an Idris GEO for trivial content. But, if you want to play GEO seriously you should be working towards one.
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-04-22 18:01:17
Indeed, I get half an idris every single month from ambuscade. It's quite trival.
But. That doesn't mean everyone that wants to do content needs to make one. 900dunna is perfectly fine for any and everything shouted for.
Your average idiot won't even notice the difference between dunna and idris.
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2018-04-22 18:04:48
Indeed, I get half an idris every single month from ambuscade. It's quite trival.
But. That doesn't mean everyone that wants to do content needs to make one. 900dunna is perfectly fine for any and everything shouted for.
Your average idiot shouting won't even know the difference between dunna and idris. Tell me more about this half an Idris every month.
By monkey33333333 2018-04-22 18:06:16
Welp what about the master fight there almost impossible to with out (maybe you can if you have DD with max everything) but I don't see that happening with a mythic GEO. but hey if it can be done let me know sets and stuff because it would help are group a lot ^^
Server: Bahamut
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Posts: 13,641
By Bahamut.Ravael 2018-04-22 18:07:54
Indeed, I get half an idris every single month from ambuscade. It's quite trival.
But. That doesn't mean everyone that wants to do content needs to make one. 900dunna is perfectly fine for any and everything shouted for.
Your average idiot shouting won't even know the difference between dunna and idris. Tell me more about this half an Idris every month.
What, you've never seen a Halfdris drop from Ambuscade?
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-04-22 18:09:45
750 bayld x number of accounts active
2 seals per account day one or two on VD instant 7k bayld
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6,052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-04-22 18:11:36
That doesn't mean everyone that wants to do content needs to make one. 900dunna is perfectly fine for any and everything shouted for.
Non-RMEA DPS are fine. DPS with slightly under haste cap are fine. BRDs that don't gear swap are fine. WHMs without AF3 pants are fine. GEO without idris is fine. You can make a whole lot of sacrifices and still beat content, this game isn't that hard.
However, if you start combining weak links, you might not be so fine. Idris is the single piece with the greatest impact on the entire party's success. If there are Idris GEOs around, and you are not confident in your success, it's perfectly rational to demand one. It's easier than demanding every other member be great, and easier to quantify.
You can always remove your idris only restriction if you go 20 minutes without a response. But, and you said it yourself, it's easy to get the bayld these days. There are pretty decent odds one will reply unless your server is completely dead.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 83
By Asura.Murisia 2018-04-22 18:12:46
To say that every geo should be working towards idris is like saying every war should be making a conqueror. It isn't required to have for the current game except to those that feel it. If people took the time to step out of their bubbles and try content without the idris they'll learn it was able to still be cleared.
Don't get me wrong. Geo's are wonderful and so is idris but requiring it is just stupid. I'm working on one not for my LS not for a group but for myself. I sure as hell won't be tagged to do geo on content not needing it.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 419
By Quetzalcoatl.Senaki 2018-04-22 18:15:26
750 bayld x number of accounts active
2 seals per account day one or two on VD instant 7k bayld
So you have 9 active accounts? 750 * 9 = 6,750
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2018-04-22 18:29:23
Quetzalcoatl.Senaki said: »750 bayld x number of accounts active
2 seals per account day one or two on VD instant 7k bayld
So you have 9 active accounts? 750 * 9 = 6,750
Pretty much my thoughts. If you meant characters on a single account, I could say maybe, yeah. But multiple accounts, too rich for my blood thanks.
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-04-22 18:32:24
If you got 170k hallmarks to sell everything from ambuscade
You would get about 4k bayld too. Quarter of the way there
150 HMP
1750 Alex
750 Bayld
~1000 CuCu
2000 PRB
Gain-money even casually will net you 4m 3x a week. it's never been easier to get gil.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 419
By Quetzalcoatl.Senaki 2018-04-22 18:38:43
If you got 170k hallmarks to sell everything from ambuscade
You would get about 4k bayld too. Quarter of the way there
150 HMP
1750 Alex
750 Bayld
~1000 CuCu
2000 PRB
Gain-money even casually will net you 4m 3x a week. it's never been easier to get gil.
You're also assuming that a non-Idris Geo would be able to even get into an Ambuscade D+ party to get that 170k hallmarks; which I highly doubt.
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-04-22 18:40:02
I've done VD with dunna GEO in party and as the GEO myself.
I've done VD without even taking a GEO... BLASPHEMY!
Anyone else rather tired of seeing "Geo can I have it? (Idris Only)"?
I feel like the bonuses that Idris provides, while good, are not needed for a vast majority of content in the game. Idris, much like G-horn, provides it's user with a boost in potency to his/her spells by an potent amount. However, in the end, all this really does is reduce the kill time of the boss. For content such as Reisenjima T1s, Escha-Zi'tah T3s, and most UC, you should never need that extra 20 seconds; if you do, it means your DD isn't good enough.
I feel like for most content we, as a playerbase, are spoiled in that we get upset if we don't get the fastest kills; I'm guilty of this myself. It seems as though we are striving to find the fastest ways to do content. I get it, the faster we get it done the more time we have irl. In all honestly, I'd even an argue that for some LS-Run content Idris isn't a requirement. I've done Omen countless times with no problem using non-Idris geos, I can't even remember the last time I got an Idris Geo for Unity Concord.
The other issue that end game players to seem to avoid is that >Most< Geos in Ffxi do not have Idris. Idris is a very time consuming weapon to get, especially for returning players. The argument "Coalition assignments have been a thing forever, you should have them done" doesn't really apply to someone coming back to the game for the first time in 6 years. It feels like Geos are placed into two classes. 1st class: Idris Geo. 2nd class: All other Geos (Regardless of if they have no equipment sets or 6, they're all assumed of the same tier).
The only situation in which I feel like Idris Geo is "required" is if you're doing a Zerg fight. Stuff such as Smn burns, or WoC, whereas you need to dish out a certain amount of damage in a limited time is exactly where Idris excels. The issue with this requirement is that people are opting to following these Zerg methods over other ones, which leaves Non-Idris Geos without a place in content. When such content, besides Master Trails and Aeonics, starts to be affected by the "kill as fast as possible" mentality, then 2nd class Geos start to take the heat. A perfect example of this is the Smn burn Ambuscade we had a few months ago. Was Idris Geo needed? Nope! Did people only take Idris Geo? Yup!
Basically to summarize, we as a player base are becoming spoiled with quick kills. This leads us to expect all Geos, who associate themselves with us, to be of a certain gear requirement. In most cases, the gear is not needed and is simply a boon in the situation. This causes certain players to be exiled as we have come to expected the impossible from returning players. In short, please think about if you really need an Idris Geo for most content you do; ty.
P.S: How ironic is it that we don't let returning players into Ambuscade parties, expect them to "gear up" before they join us, then complain when there are people soloing Ambuscade and wasting our time. Hmm?