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Screenshots » id:78430
Gotta go fast!
Score: 4.38
Votes: 40
Classification Item » Shneddick Ring
Tags Sanic Ring
Date Submitted 2016-07-06 14:11:59
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Comments (2)
Bismarck.Kyaaadaa[Report] Score: 0
I'm preparing to be rated into negative oblivion replying to Xindarti, but:

Yes. This is 2016's cool. Its the IQ dropping garbage that is paving the way for our very own version of Idiocracy. Maybe its just me, but I hope either God, Nature, or mankind itself pushes the reset button on the failed experiment that is human culture. I'd like to believe we could come back from this brink and actually take control of our evolutionary path and provide a future for all mankind... then Schneddick...
2016-07-13 06:52:42
Bahamut.Xindarti[Report] Score: -5
I'm preparing to be rated into negative oblivion, but:

Are shittily drawn Sonic memes what kids are into these days? Is this 2016's cool?

I always expect my INT to take a bit of a hit when I browse FFXIAH screenshots, but it just went negative.
2016-07-07 13:38:48