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Screenshots » id:78098
Only Two Left!
Score: 4.76
Votes: 29
Classification Player » Sammeh
Tags Aeonic Quest
Date Submitted 2016-04-04 06:32:04
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Comments (6)
Asura.Patb[Report] Score: 8
Didn't Minivict/Konvict essentially get embarassed off of Asura?
2016-04-04 21:04:49
Quetzalcoatl.Sammeh[Report] Score: 4
I realize a comparison of like to like Mythic to Aeonic - the written stats seem far better on Mythic.

However - I'll say that anyone can farm money and do a Mythic; On the quest of Aeonic I can say without a shadow of a doubt, that it requires the most premium players, teamwork, and coordination to pull it off. When I get done with those two fights - I will truly feel more accomplished knowing it took a full team of people to make this work and absolutely no one can buy their way into one without pulling their own weight with it.

I also think there's far too little information and use-case of these weapons and their new lvl 4 skillchain properties for anyone to judge them yet.
2016-04-04 12:43:32
Odin.Slore[Report] Score: 2
I've made 2 aeonics and working on 3rd. I do so more out of only thing left to do but I have to agree mythics own aeonics.
2016-04-04 13:07:21
Asura.Krystela[Report] Score: 2
Good luck on your two last win!

Who cares about which Aeonics weapon people makes,they are basically free and not everyone have bard. It's also not a very used job anymore.
2016-04-04 20:23:33
Lakshmi.Konvict Show Score: -24
When are people gonna learn these things are horrible. They are all trash except horn :/
2016-04-04 10:49:45
Lakshmi.Minivict Show Score: -24
Compare whichever weapon you're building and compare mythic. Mythic always wins.
2016-04-04 10:50:41