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Since the viability of Trust-soloing third-wave Arciela on SCH came up, I actually had an opportunity to test it out and I can say for certain it's entirely possible. Cast helices based on the day into Ascension or Descension, not against them and use NPC's that complement you tanking as opposed to an NPC tank. She has not one single physical source of damage, so she cannot hurt you if you keep Regen on. It didn’t take very long for August to bite the dust. Screenshot taken from behind so that you can see she has no bonnet and is in fact the Arcliela that may come in the third wave. As for her choice of Naakuals, I got Kumhau twice, and one of Colkhab and Yumcax, which explains why my NPC's are all dead. One big advantage I had here was helix II’s, and they are as broken as everyone claims they are.
Score: 8.06
Votes: 50
Classification Player » Sephiran
Tags Sinister Reign Naakual Arciela SCH
Date Submitted 2016-02-14 19:52:13
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Comments (4)
Bahamut.Sephiran[Report] Score: 5
@Speedyjim Thank you and there's more I couldn't fit in the description. ^^

Morimar will favor reusing Vehement Resolution rather than ending it with 12 Blades of Remorse (magic damage that wrecks NPC's) if debuffs are present on him. Use this to keep your NPC's alive, helix be damned. He's a fiery dude, so I generally use water on him for that reason alone.

Rosulatia's move Wildwood Indignation will transfer debuffs to the target with enmity. Don't helix her because not having a tank sucks when she gets happy with Breakga. The Cirrus have MP and can be slept for the purposes of Aspir to fuel heavy nukes.

All of Arciela II's Naakuals may be outran easily enough. Make sure you hold her near the arc of the arena so you have room. As always, don't outrun the shark.
2016-02-14 21:03:29
Phoenix.Libbien[Report] Score: 1
Awesome thanks for posting, nice to know sch can solo this regardless of combo now. I have little motivation to do SR now, but was curious about wave 3 Arciela's meva since she wasn't possible before. We got her in a trio actually and barely beat her in time and had a blm with me who was nearly BIS across the board and even he struggled at THAT time (and yes we were aware of her changing resistances since that came up in the last SS as well lol).
2016-02-14 21:10:48
Sylph.Jeanpaul[Report] Score: 1
Aside from her spells and certain WSs, Arciela's attacks are largely Light elemental, so if you did want to use a trust to tank her, go with Amchuchu.
2016-02-14 22:35:02
Bismarck.Speedyjim[Report] Score: 0
Quality comment. This is why you get my 10.
2016-02-14 20:43:51