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Screenshots » id:75099
Score: 2.97
Votes: 62
Classification Player » Conagh
Tags Corsair, Leaden Saulte, Skirmish, WS Damage.
Date Submitted 2014-09-28 15:58:55
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Comments (6)
Shiva.Apocalus[Report] Score: 34
I hate to be THAT guy, but Yztarg takes greatly increased magic damage while he's casting a spell. So your accomplishment wanes....

.... who am I kidding, I love being that guy.
2014-09-28 21:45:14
Shiva.Cziella[Report] Score: 19
Still need to vanquish 198 more enemies, I don't know what's the bragging about!
2014-09-28 23:49:44
Phoenix.Libbien[Report] Score: -2
10 for not being Fudo
2014-09-29 15:18:02
Cerberus.Conagh[Report] Score: -6
@Apocalus ~ It's all good your Hatred makes me stronger ~ This isn't a screenshot of my Damage, this is a Friends Damage, so no bragging rights on my end, simply wanting to show you how strong a Corsair can be in Skirmish.
@ Cziella ~ I know right!
@ Stereo ~ I don't what you're smoking, but can I get a drag?
@ Machorz ~ This isn't Abyssea, this is outside Abyssea where we don't have brews, and you don't ever have to see a damage picture, you can choose not to look ~ Sorry if that never occurred to you ;)
2014-09-29 13:31:22
Cerberus.Stereo[Report] Score: -8
I go peepee standing up too, look mommy!
2014-09-29 08:28:36
Odin.Machorz[Report] Score: -9
@Apocalus great comment; @Conagh: how often do we have too see a DMG picture? I dont think there is anything left after brew, takes x-dmg or w/e super-duper effect is on! We saw all picture of any kind of dmg.
2014-09-29 09:28:55