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Get ready to fight for your friends with Ragnell, Ike's sword from Fire Emblem and Smash Bros! This model was recreated using the model from Brawl. If you were hoping for the Wii U model, then you'll get no sympathy from me. Available for all races:;sa=view;down=1347
Score: 8.53
Votes: 45
Classification Player » Jeanpaul
Tags ragnell ike fireemblem smashbros greatsword
Date Submitted 2014-09-02 21:15:17
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Comments (6)
Sylph.Jeanpaul[Report] Score: 9
It's actually the exact same model/texture used in Brawl itself, extracted directly from the game. The character art model (Ike as he appears in this picture, directly from the website) is much finer quality than the in-game version. I probably should've used an in-game picture for comparison. Anyway, I did find it had problems when I tried to include the glossy reflection you see on most metallic weapons/armor in FFXI, so I opted to leave that out.
2014-09-03 01:19:36
Odin.Zicdeh[Report] Score: 8
Almost a flawless translation. Just really missing the patina from the original (I think the pristine finish looks better anyway). My personal "Fantasy Sword" Nitpicks aside, this is sublime work.

Most remarkable is that it doesn't really clash with anything in FFXI's art, it's actually very similar to what you'd see in Tu'Lia or other Zilart pieces. The Hilt assembly in particular looks very 'Shrine of Ru'Avitau' if you ask me.
2014-09-02 23:27:11
Sylph.Jrpg[Report] Score: 1
Keep up the good work! Dat modding has been very slow for quite some time.
2014-09-04 02:02:23
Phoenix.Michiiru[Report] Score: 0
Prepare yourself.
2014-09-08 23:57:35
Bismarck.Ariyon[Report] Score: 0
See, it's stuff like this that makes me wish I'd done some dat mods when I still played. Ike's been my favorite FE character since Path of Radiance came out, so you get an automatic 10 from me.
2014-09-10 19:16:36
Bismarck.Bloodrose[Report] Score: -1
this is pretty nice.

It's also strikingly similar to Kirito's Dark Repulsar sword from SAO.
2014-09-03 12:09:27