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ADL solo on SMN
Score: 8.87
Votes: 200
Classification Player » Papesse
Date Submitted 2014-01-15 00:39:32
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Comments (12)
Carbuncle.Papesse[Report] Score: 24
It's unfortunatly a very luck based fight and it's probably not possible to win solo without Seraphicaller but I think two well geared SMNs with Eminent Sachet could succeed.
Pet MAB helps a lot for Flaming Crush and the fight is not necessarily over after a wipe, if you have enough RR items/Ethers you can Dia II/BP one ADL to death, DoTs are removed after each summon however.
2014-01-15 18:31:51
Cerberus.Fthis[Report] Score: 14
dang very impressive
2014-01-15 09:42:49
Phoenix.Tigertail[Report] Score: 12
Srsly? That IS impressive, do tell how! Id love to solo that ***. :)
2014-01-15 12:33:43
Asura.Refia[Report] Score: 8
I have a question tho, how are you averaging 10k flame crush with Ifrit? Is it your mythic with the bonus to BP?
2014-01-15 14:58:33
Sylph.Dasanuffadat[Report] Score: 7
Full rAF+1, 119 Mythic, pet level 121, Esper Earring. Not surprised a SMN with that gear could do this. Good job though all the same, took a lot of time to gear up for it I'm sure.
2014-01-15 18:34:36
Quetzalcoatl.Kenrusai[Report] Score: 6
2014-01-15 15:11:08
Asura.Fiv[Report] Score: 6
2014-01-15 15:43:28
Phoenix.Damnit[Report] Score: 5
That is very impressive grats :)
@Refia the Augments on hagondas couple with seraphiicaller and the 40% to blood pact damage on the Mythic all contribute to the high damage I assume.
2014-01-15 20:00:11
Asura.Myrrh[Report] Score: -1
I would have loved to see this. How did you managed to stay out of range of his massive TP range enough to hit the jas. /floored
2014-01-15 16:34:19
Cerberus.Deadplaything[Report] Score: -3
how the ***
2014-01-15 14:02:44