Oh man...if you submitted this to a professional tattoo forum the professionals would rip this piece asunder. Those lines are horrible. Lines aren't consistent. Inconsistent depth. Visible wobbles/squiggles. Wrong size needles were used. You should stop letting him work on you. Judging from the linework, I doubt he can shade/color properly. A seasoned professional can fix this. Stop!!!
No offence.. but take some advice from someone who made a very bad call when they were 15 at a terrible tattoo parlor with a terrible artist, find someone professional to finish this. Don't be afraid of hurting someones feelings, this is your body, not someones practice table, and tattoos last forever.
A tattoo like that shouldn't be freehanded. If you went to a professional tattooer and they never used a stencil, they should probably go back to basics...one screwed up line and it's game over.
Your artist needs to adjust the power settings on his power supply and his armature bar is set to shade. I would suggest getting that resolved before letting him touch you again... considering it looks like that I would never let him touch me... My artist has a 700 dollar Liner machine and a 300 dollar power supply, trust the equipment trust the artist or dont get stabbed...
How can you douchebags be so mean just because he has a sleeve the way he has it. Its not his fault, and with a little bit of cash he can get it renewed. Not unlike any of your shitty low depth personalities.
Acey, I like your ink. Not my style, and I don't think I'd ever get something myself, but at least it seems like a ln experience.