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Screenshots » id:73331
Eleanor 3.0
Score: 6.12
Votes: 26
Classification Player » Shznittle
Tags rig, computer, pc, weapon-of-choice
Date Submitted 2014-01-09 03:56:01
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Comments (6)
Cerberus.Drayco[Report] Score: 2
Doesn't the titan work better when hot? I thought it was designed to work around 80c.

I'm with you on liquid tho, my entire rig is liquid. I have my rad in my basement under my PC actually. Draws cold *** air off the window in the winter and I flip it to the AC vent in the summer. My CPU never sees more than 35c
2014-01-09 13:23:41
Shiva.Katharyn[Report] Score: 1
Beautiful computer ^^

I love building them, it's quite fun, and seeing others computers is lovely^^


@Shznittle: That makes a lot more sense^^

The 780 didn't come out for months after, and at the time was the best single GPU, so I understand now^^ I thought it was a recent build (less then a month)

As for the ram, I didn't know you could do that. That would be extremely fast storage, but wouldn't anything be cleared when the system turns off? Or does the software dump ram to hard disk when told to shutdown (like hibernate does)?

@Angierus: What's wrong with Razer? I had a Deathadder for years and loved it. I use a Naga hex now (not that I use the buttons much, should have stuck to the deathadder ><) I like the click wheel and form Razer uses better then Logitech's.
2014-01-09 15:26:47
Cerberus.Deadplaything[Report] Score: 1
Im stiff right now nice rig.
2014-01-10 11:12:02
Fenrir.Shznittle[Report] Score: 0
@Katharyn: I was originally going to SLI 2 Titans.

I built this computer last February/March. So, it's actually about a year old already.

Also, with 64gb of RAM, because the motherboard allowed it, I just decided to max it out regardless of how much we actually use. I do partition them and use half of it as RAM disk for storage. Honestly, doing this relies heavily on the software you're using, because it can be unreliable at times. Also, the OS is Windows7 Ultimate.

As far as heat issues, as you can see, both CPU and GPU are liquid cooled so temps are not an issues. However, during the summer since i dont have air conditioning, it got upwards to 50degC, and as low as 17degC in the winter.

Edit: I've been very pleased with Titan's performance. Still plays everything on highest settings, and 6GB buffer > 780's 3GB buffer. The 780 Ti has like 200 more cuda cores, etc but meh...

Also, Ram Disk software can store data as image before reboot.
2014-01-09 16:50:03
Odin.Potpressure[Report] Score: 0
@ Weewoo
2 SSD Raid 0 < RAM disc (or drive). RAM disc can reach speeds between 5-10gbps depending on memory speed and config.
2014-01-11 10:38:04
Carbuncle.Deathhaven[Report] Score: -1
You would of benefited much more with two GTX 780 Ti especially if your watching porn and ffxi
2014-01-09 14:39:05