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Screenshots » id:71948
20000 Bayld trade from Vesca, +47 to all auto attrib.
Score: 6.44
Votes: 25
Classification Item » F. Animator
Tags pup, gimp auto, dat melee skill
Date Submitted 2013-07-14 11:17:32
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Comments (4)
Asura.Karbuncle[Report] Score: 7
Its basically a middle ground between Old sh*t and Alternator. Which is what i expected when i saw the Rieve Ammo for SMN compared to Delve Ammo for SMN.

Thanks for uploading this to more or less confirm the middle ground :D
2013-07-14 18:30:13
Fenrir.Uwen[Report] Score: 2
Did you happen to check if there was any in rieve bonus, like with thee other "Forefront" gear?
2013-07-15 02:06:42
Phoenix.Atropine[Report] Score: 1
Thank you for posting this.

I was holding off on getting my Altenator until I knew what this did.
2013-07-14 21:04:11
Asura.Misheeka Show Score: -17
kinda disappointing when you look up from added stats and see 218 skill level but guess it dsn't matter now we have SoA /sigh. Bring back the good old days SE where people actually skilled jobs AS they leveled o well
2013-07-14 17:25:18