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Screenshots » id:69014
How NNI has been going lately.
Score: 3.85
Votes: 40
Classification Player » Celll
Date Submitted 2013-01-18 01:42:21
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Comments (12)
Asura.Redshift[Report] Score: 26
Get's you to floor 100 with 2min left

Gives you WS restriction
2013-01-18 10:49:25
Shiva.Haptic[Report] Score: 14
Welcome to floor 99...
Avoid discovery...
- 1 minute has been taken...
You have 1 minute left in NNI...
2013-01-18 10:06:05
Bismarck.Llewelyn[Report] Score: 11
Welcome to Floor 99. Objective: Eliminate specified enemy.

2013-01-18 07:43:33
Ragnarok.Ashman[Report] Score: 5
If that picture was hydra, or vivian, on a 99 kill-all: i would know that feel.
2013-01-18 07:52:05
Fenrir.Itchi[Report] Score: 3
Been there to many times, 2min left upup......97>99 all enemys...../sigh
2013-01-18 08:59:34
Bismarck.Helel[Report] Score: 1
As has been stated numerous times, even if you are on floor 97, you only have a 50% chance of getting floor 100. On floor 96, you have a 33% chance of getting floor 100. Why is it surprising? Essentially you have a HIGHER chance of NOT landing on floor 100.
2013-01-18 16:19:53
Cerberus.Ryand[Report] Score: 0
hahaha celll!!!!!!!! that did suck last night i gotta say, but least we been winning even with ***jumps like that.
2013-01-18 10:03:58
Cerberus.Celll[Report] Score: 0
@ Ryand, ya we have been winning but this ***happens way to often for there not to be someone controlling it lol.
2013-01-18 13:24:32
Quetzalcoatl.Avengers[Report] Score: 0
I swear this is a picture of someone I went to college with
2013-01-18 18:02:11
Fenrir.Demonmaniac[Report] Score: 0
Terror {You can have this.}
2013-01-21 13:07:34