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After almost 3 years... finally got what all mnks dream about ^^
Score: 4.53
Votes: 40
Classification Player » Xaviorducard
Tags Black Belt
Date Submitted 2012-07-22 23:51:08
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Comments (8)
Ragnarok.Kongming[Report] Score: 13
chi blast is kinda yesteryear now
grats on the pole though
2012-07-23 01:21:39
Fenrir.Xaviorducard[Report] Score: 7
LoL you guys have such a twisted sense of humor...
@Iinfierno- at least you know what i was rejoicing about lol... I started Black Belt before Abyssea ever was thought of... and i only had to do KSNM99 once for my egg.... IT may not be much to yall... but it means alot to me^^
2012-07-23 11:58:01
Bismarck.Setsunaa[Report] Score: 4
congratulations. big achievement for Monks especially if you aren't paying out gil/item.
2012-07-23 12:10:42
Bahamut.Aeronis[Report] Score: 3
2012-07-23 01:12:52
Fenrir.Iinfierno[Report] Score: 3
Grats brother good work!!!
No matter what people say
BB is a nice personal achievement
2012-07-23 10:53:16
Odin.Legomyfuego[Report] Score: -6
Funny that the only piece of gear decent on ur mnk is BB. everything else is complete trash/out dated/NQ
2012-07-23 12:38:03
Leviathan.Brotherhood[Report] Score: -7
You are so nq..
2012-07-23 11:45:52
Cerberus.Superman[Report] Score: -8
took you 3 years to get it wow. after they put in the get your free blk blt update surprised it took you that long. and abyssea has nothing to do with getting a black belt.
2012-07-23 12:21:06