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Screenshots » id:66559
I have hardly any merits and my gear macro wasn't working. It may not be much, but this is a personal best.
Classification Player » Raerie
Tags shijin spiral, monk, mnk
Date Submitted 2012-07-21 10:04:29
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Comments (3)
Lakshmi.Vlorsutes[Report] Score: 18
Just so you know, if it's not something you're already aware of, the Ironclad Smiter will go through phases following the use of certain TP moves where it will take significantly increased damage from certain damage types.

As such, most "high damage" pictures involving the Ironclad Smiter are considered unimpressive to say the least because it's similar to doing damage to a Qutrub or a Hpemde with its mouth open.
2012-07-21 14:27:23
Quetzalcoatl.Kyrial[Report] Score: 16
And since most of the "big damage" screenshots on this mob are usually well over 10k... this is pretty underwhelming. :x
2012-07-21 17:42:40
Shiva.Dourid[Report] Score: 12
Hate to be that guy, but that was probably after Turbine Cyclone.
2012-07-21 14:22:32