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Me N Aimmers in the bahammas
Score: 5.13
Votes: 39
Classification Player » Brian
Date Submitted 2012-06-19 23:32:45
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Comments (10)
Asura.Stryger[Report] Score: 21

Obviously you care, or else you wouldn't have gone outta your way to tell them how much you don't care by wasting a minute of your time.

Don't understand why people gotta be such *** about RL pictures. ANYWAY hope you had fun Brian.
2012-06-20 17:17:49
Shiva.Moogleking[Report] Score: 15
You can clam a stack of coral fragments a hour on the islands in the bahammas.
2012-06-20 17:44:55
Shiva.Collardgreen[Report] Score: 8
Wow Storm, you still must be in High are a dumb ***, why don't you get on myspace and cry about something else, nobody cares when he posted this picture or any reason he put in on here, so go and cry yourself to sleep for being such a looser.
2012-06-20 20:01:16
Sylph.Kelvinclein[Report] Score: 4
Lots of *** dumb brats in this website.
2012-06-21 05:29:19
Fenrir.Skarwind[Report] Score: 3
People just wake up angry as hell. The fact that they make up this community makes everyone else look bad.

Dude is just made because.
1)He isn't going to a tropical paradise any time soon.
2)The most experience he's had with the "opposite sex" is through cybering.

Rage much bra?
2012-06-21 19:13:30
Bahamut.Cuelebra[Report] Score: 2
She kinda looks like Reese Witherspoon!
2012-06-21 01:49:20
Phoenix.Mikumaru[Report] Score: 2
Hating on RL pics is so 2008 .
2012-06-21 09:22:12
Lakshmi.Konvict[Report] Score: 2
@Storm It takes a lot of balls to post rl pics because of idiots like you. Where's your pic? Prolly some 40 year old guy who lives in your moms basement. Nice pic man hope you had fun!
2012-06-21 12:36:44
Quetzalcoatl.Mnkk[Report] Score: -2
@ Moogleking He's just there for sole sushi and PvP with Aimmers.
2012-06-21 01:24:28
Odin.Stormcroww Show Score: -51
Yeah thats really cool from almost 2 1/2 years ago. Did you post it because after all that time none of your FB friends cared. Guess what, neither do we.
2012-06-20 16:49:33