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Back in my day we walked uphill both ways to our 10k/hr parties!
Score: 8.59
Votes: 44
Classification Player » Jessikah
Tags abyssea fast leveling
Date Submitted 2012-04-29 23:33:23
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Comments (5)
Ragnarok.Jessikah[Report] Score: 6
heh. I really shouldn't complain. I love the idea of not having to spend months or years leveling one job, but I think I'll forever miss all the old leveling areas.

There was such a sense of accomplishment in hitting 75. Gathering all that artifact armor, making friends in great exp parties.

Oh well. Take what you can get, right? I play this game for the community anyway ^^
2012-04-29 23:36:54
Bahamut.Bekisa[Report] Score: 6
There should have been a level 75 requirement for entering Abyssea and they should have altered exp in all other zones to be somewhat equal so people didn't converge on only TOAU zones at ~60. Too bad it took them all these years to change respawn timer for mobs inside, would have been a lot more nice camps :-(
2012-05-01 20:57:17
Quetzalcoatl.Soube[Report] Score: 2
Pshh, back in MY day we hiked to bibiki bay for our 5k/hour parties, uphill both ways, all the while looking over our shoulders for beach monkeys!
2012-05-02 03:25:28
Bismarck.Hove[Report] Score: 2
uphill both ways, sometimes up hills on top of hills..... backwards, barefoot, on a handstand, in the middle, of a 110degree blizzard through an Alaskan tundra!!!.
2012-05-02 17:55:15
Quetzalcoatl.Kyrial[Report] Score: 1
Hehe, I love it how it is now, but I do have lots of nostalgia about the old days. Heck, I remember when 4k/hour was "hey, this is a pretty nice PT!". I do miss all the differing locales and mobs. But I love my 300-400k/hour exp too. <3
2012-05-01 17:58:29