he's got a great drop rate now, with th8+ on...before we were done with salvage we got 2 in like 5 kills maybe, both th8 or higher....but yeah 2/50+ before the th update
@clueless blacklion, nyz isle items will be relevant on next patch just in case you don't read forums, and prolly better than af3's, should stop idleing on jeuno's stairs to get examines with your bandwagon gear/shield
@Brolli salvage gear has NOT been announced that its recieving an upgrade yet. IDK why people think that because nyzule gear is being upgraded that their precious salvage gear is too. SE has said NOTHING about salvage gear in the near future so idk where you pulled "In the next patch" from. I wouldnt count on anything happening to it until some time next year, well after the 99 cap.