It's 09/28/2011 and some people still play the game for fun. Ares's Cuirass costs less than 100k to make now and is absolutely adorable on her, just look!
We got 4 Deimos's Cuirass while farming 2 Macha's Coats (red and blue mage nuke sets, also purple mageness) in the span of a few weeks, had tons of fun while doing so, and made lots of gil from the cotton pouches.
The only screenshots people appreciate on this site are overused memes and ffxi art (the art being lovely).
Calling someone out on being gimp or stupid is understandable, this is neither. You are bitter, worthless people who are all the sadder for forgetting that you're playing a video game to have fun. You don't contribute to the community, you are the reason the community sucks.