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Screenshots » id:58781
IT'S 10 AM! >.>
Score: 5.96
Votes: 28
Classification Player » Godbringer
Date Submitted 2011-07-09 09:11:14
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Comments (15)
Bahamut.Aeronis[Report] Score: 10
lol "feels like 127"
2011-07-09 16:47:01
Diabolos.Raelia[Report] Score: 8
Feels like 'surface of the sun'.

I know Wunderground would probably implement that sentiment.
2011-07-09 17:16:39
Bismarck.Hsieh[Report] Score: 2
Doesn't matter if it rains. When it rains its going to be hot boiling drops that vaporize off your skin.
2011-07-09 22:02:04
Shiva.Omegashenron[Report] Score: 1
having been to the Persian gulf in the middle of their summer. I feel comfortable in saying. Wuss
2011-07-09 23:30:21
Cerberus.Tidis[Report] Score: 0
They're encouraging you to stay indoors! YAY
2011-07-10 09:29:22
Asura.Citag[Report] Score: 0
OMG that humidity. Thats the worst part. 91 degrees is nothing.
2011-07-11 11:18:29
Cerberus.Irohuro[Report] Score: -1
we cant stop getting rain D= we have like 2-3 big thunderstorm a week since april
2011-07-10 02:35:19
Bahamut.Endol[Report] Score: -2
10 for the exact weather that happened here. Hurray for Haboobs!
2011-07-10 16:44:06
Lakshmi.Xstatic[Report] Score: -3
what gadget/widget w/e is that one
2011-07-09 19:05:48
Unicorn.Kadaj[Report] Score: -3
Christ feels like 127 what do you live on venus. fk that noise man.
2011-07-09 19:10:46