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Screenshots » id:56524
Score: 4.18
Votes: 22
Classification Player » Alexos
Date Submitted 2011-04-27 11:57:19
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Comments (4)
Lakshmi.Turkish[Report] Score: 5
2011-04-28 06:46:16
Shiva.Khimaira[Report] Score: 0
WHM RDM PLD DRK SMN BLM SCH don't get access to a higher haste belt.

While only about 4 of those ever really engage regularly, it's still a fair amount of use on the item for the jobs that do use it. In my opinion, it's the equivalent in usefelness to Bellona's. Amazing for the jobs that can use it effectively(unless sacrificing an X-hit)l
2011-04-28 18:02:36
Fairy.Prometheus[Report] Score: -1
If you can't wear BB or Twilight and don't need the STP from Goading it is still a great option (in before resist-50 is not bad)
2011-04-28 06:51:07
Asura.Karbuncle[Report] Score: -5
What jos is Ninurta's good for these days?

PLD and RDM right? Same as V.belt?

That used to be such an epic Drop ;x. Good for Mages-Melee build too :O!

Congratulations :)
2011-04-28 04:31:46