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Screenshots » id:54896
Not by me; done by DoNotDelete @deviantart.
Score: 4.57
Votes: 35
Classification Player » Mizuharu
Tags Pokémon
Date Submitted 2011-03-09 14:46:00
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Comments (4)
Unicorn.Kaomii[Report] Score: 0
Oh wow @ the innuendos. xD "how's it hangin', "furry little friend", "bone to pick with you", "ding-dong", "skin off my nose", "beat around the bush", "'member", "special eye". /obvious
2011-03-10 13:15:22
Ramuh.Leif[Report] Score: -1
Palkia will always be the biggest innuendo in town.

...And this is why I don't like Reshiram.
2011-03-10 10:17:26
Ramuh.Haseyo[Report] Score: -2
I actually never thought of him has an innuendo, nor the new White legendary. Nice art though.
2011-03-09 18:08:57
Ragnarok.Nekonarf[Report] Score: -2
Pingas is pretty much just a walking penis(shock) and wow I didn't even notice what the new legendary poke'mon was sporting -_- doesn't leave much to the imagination there.
2011-03-10 06:52:44