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Screenshots » id:54557
Trolling some Hiro
Score: 3.00
Votes: 37
Classification Player » Myrrh
Date Submitted 2011-02-25 15:05:15
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Comments (13)
Lakshmi.Caolan[Report] Score: 11
I still don't understand how some people can be so awful to others, this guy clearly has some issues that he needs to work out... or he is a 12 year old, which judging from the text language and bad grammar would suggest he is. Mate, these kinda people are best left unprovoked, waste of your time dealing with their childish rudeness.
2011-02-25 17:03:41
Quetzalcoatl.Myrrh[Report] Score: 7
It started with him shouting and asking how does one get lunar Abyssites and I responded with "You get them by reading the wiki"
2011-02-25 16:56:11
Ifrit.Arawn[Report] Score: 5
All I can think is that the poster is pretty pathetic.
2011-02-25 20:55:23
Lakshmi.Ckmasters[Report] Score: 5

2011-02-25 21:19:43
Ifrit.Chubs[Report] Score: 4
I'd like to buy a c, dik fuk.
2011-02-28 18:07:56
Alexander.Varistor[Report] Score: 3
In the time it took you to type all this out and be a *** Myrrh, you could have just told him how to get lunar abyssites and moved along. Pretty pathetic.
2011-02-28 09:20:44
Leviathan.Gendo[Report] Score: 2
poster and the other guy both look retarded. wouldnt call telling him to wiki it "helping". youre both *** fuk *** dik cheeses
2011-02-26 13:07:34
Quetzalcoatl.Chairman[Report] Score: -1
u get DP not lik grats. I hope you're proud of yourself
2011-02-26 01:11:56
Valefor.Busyfurball[Report] Score: -1
"Jokes on you I have two dads"
made me laugh, good stuff. Y was that dude so pissy?
2011-02-26 08:43:23
Bahamut.Serj[Report] Score: -2
lol ya ur troll watever thing work onlu on jews and u

2011-02-25 17:21:46