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Took so long to get these >.< But there mine finally ^^.
Score: 6.83
Votes: 162
Classification Player » Vagrantchaos
Tags Dark Drk Bale Sollerets +1
Date Submitted 2010-11-26 14:50:10
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Comments (11)
Caitsith.Judaine[Report] Score: 36
Oh cool let's rate him down because he got something that isn't so hard to get because you have a super abyssea group that can get these in one day. Cool, 10/10 because I know how hard it CAN be.
2010-11-26 18:00:31
Diabolos.Vagrantchaos[Report] Score: 20
So I uploaded this before bed last night, come back to some interesting comments, never got the chance to read the ones that have been deleted but I know how much of a *** Spicyryan can be from his forum posts. For those who care to know.
I quested 7 of these seals and kept detailed notes of it all. I got 1 seal from repeating the same nm that took 3 hours to drop one Drk seal.
The quest was Scattered Shells, Scattered Mind (,_Scattered_Mind).
I did it 92 times, used a total of 24 stones and spent 15h40mins actually in abyssea doing these quests.
Before I got my 7 seals I landed 8 Pup, 9 Rng and 14 Rdm.

So excuse me if I feel like posting my personal achievements here, not all of us are able to go out in groups for this shite.

But ah well, haters gonna hate.
2010-11-27 07:50:17
Carbuncle.Snoochybooch[Report] Score: 11
10/10 Because of what Spicyryan said.
2010-11-26 22:17:29
Cerberus.Superman[Report] Score: 8
2 Karb. i have tried for the last 2 months fighting the nm's in atta for bst head seals and have only gotten 4. doing it 3-5 times and procing yellow 98% of the time. it's not hard just bad luck.
2010-11-27 00:01:35
Ramuh.Sagittario[Report] Score: -1
2010-11-27 12:39:19
Bahamut.Shaj[Report] Score: -4
Right Judaine =)
2010-11-26 19:21:43
Diabolos.Leastat Show Score: -11
vagacil grats on that gear but you still smell and damn you aste to much time in there for your gear
2010-11-27 09:26:35
Asura.Karbuncle Show Score: -14
Super Abyssea groups? Really >.>?

All seal NMs are so simple a good Duo group can kill them all in ~5 minutes. Not demeaning his accomplishment I'm just calling Judaine a moron for making it seem like Abyssea is hard.

Even your average joe with no linkshell can shout for 3-4 People and take down almost the entire zone in terms of Seal NMs.

Triggering Yellow however, may prove more fruitful.

Congrats on your Shoes, I know how fun it is to get those first shiny white box Empyrean armors... I loved mine (Was THF Legs)

But, For real >.> Judaine needs to calm down, its not that serious, half the screenshots on this website are below 3.
2010-11-26 22:23:06
Leviathan.Draylo Show Score: -15
In this comment section, abyssea is hard.
2010-11-27 00:13:34
Alexander.Miradj Show Score: -16
Super abyssea group
2010-11-27 00:51:15