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Screenshots » id:47203
Classification Player » Cirle
Tags My 1st visit with Vrtra
Date Submitted 2010-08-06 16:18:33
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Comments (7)
Asura.Daleterrence[Report] Score: 5
It's 2009 if you zoom in.
2010-08-07 10:11:05
Quetzalcoatl.Kyrial[Report] Score: 2
Vrtra was not around in 2003, Dracionx. >_> Hell, the level cap was raised to 75 in December of 2003. Pretty sure Vrtra was added sometime late in 2004 or even sometime in 2005.
2010-08-07 08:04:33
Alexander.Kolossus[Report] Score: 0
For someone who's been around "since the game started", it seems like you know nothing of the XI time line, Superman, as you're completely incorrect. Terrible.
2010-11-09 20:43:55
Hades.Drayco[Report] Score: -3
heh, I have a very similar picture from WAAAY back in the day. Walked down there before my first 75 on pld and got eatten.
2010-08-06 20:03:36
Quetzalcoatl.Svenny[Report] Score: -4
I remember doing that as well on my pld after a party down there...with like 3 other mnks ; ;
2010-08-07 14:04:17
Cerberus.Superman Show Score: -13
game has been out what 8 years now thats what 2001-2002. he has been around since then k thanks. Drac would know we have been around since the game started. lvl cap was 75 when it came out was 50 for beta. oct of 2001 was release of zilart and lvl cap.
2010-08-07 17:03:44
Cerberus.Dracionx Show Score: -27
picture was taken in the year 2003
2010-08-06 19:46:03