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Screenshots » id:44974
Score: 7.58
Votes: 19
Classification Item » Mjollnir
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Date Submitted 2010-06-30 13:28:32
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Comments (6)
Odin.Zicdeh[Report] Score: 3
Why Yagrush? a true player gets a relic for him/herself and not others. It is their account and gil after all.
2010-06-30 22:36:16
Unicorn.Ninetales[Report] Score: 2
Um... this is the level 80 Mjollnir, meaning they've had Mjollnir to begin with, possibly before Yagrush even came out.
2010-06-30 23:44:29
Fenrir.Nightfyre[Report] Score: 2
Judaine: Because Yagrush has been around since the RoZ/CoP era and Boon WHM is lol, amirite?

Huge grats to any WHM who puts in the time and effort to upgrade a relic and then grind out the trials.
2010-06-30 16:53:18
Bismarck.Elanabelle[Report] Score: 1
@ Judaine: The dps on this version of Mjollnir is over 13. That's higher than almost all 1-handed weapons of any type, and also higher than many popular end-game 2-handed weapons. In general, WHM melee is lol, but with this club, WHM can melee as well as many traditional melee jobs.
2010-06-30 15:07:47
Cerberus.Corphish[Report] Score: -1
I'd go for Mjollnir...

But Judaine is /kinda/ right. A true White Mage is a healer, and if you're gonna go 'wrong' with battle clubs, might as well do it right. Yagrush is definitely the club to battle with and still clutch on to whatever White Mage dignity you have left.

Personally, I love a full-on attack White Mage. I accept it is indeed "lol" until this badboy (or maybe Gambanteinn), but it's still fun to surprise people.

HEY! Don't hate the Boon!
2010-06-30 20:00:03
Caitsith.Judaine[Report] Score: -9
Why Mjollnir?
True WHM's go for Yagrush =(
2010-06-30 14:13:45