I don't know the sources of any of these homie, I got them off of imageboards, and how am I supposed to credit them, I can't be taking the time to look up every picture's source and posting a comment or whatever for every single one of these, and I think the art styles of all these pics are disparate enough that it's obvious I didn't create any of them
27th May, 2010: the daya Ziila took ffxiah over with Mithra fan-art. Your efforts towards Cat Domination are noted and appreciated! :3
More seriously, nowhere have I seen him claim to have drawn these, so I see no reason to chew him out. As an aside, http://www.neko-sentai.com/imgboard/
This isnt even his art, they are all separate art from jp artists. He's spamming the pics section with this ***and it's annoying, I hope his *** gets banned.