Well what most that post comments on here forget is ... 1. Faf is not all that easy to get your Nukes on and a new-to-75 BLM will be happy as h377 to get those numbers. It's a game ... give some "Fun" credit guys
thats good dmg, my blm sucks but i was excited when i hit 2056 mb on faf.. even if i've seen my other ls mates hi 2.4-3.2k i still felt great about my dmg and you should to.
@Liz and Cel , yea totally not shopped SS; beside weather/day bonuses? MB on Faf with that numbers, seeing the SS might have been shopped etc, really nothing to be super proud of. NIce damage indeed, but its just Fafnir...
@ helena: can be proud of your damage the more cause you wearing a yagudo headgear and everyone who does that is cool.
9 75s and stunx can still say such funny things. You think because it was the second MB it did less than an unresisted non MB would if he was close to naked?
I got to lol at someone in a party for saying "you stole my MB!" i doubt he had 9 75s though.. idk if u know game mech's or not, but baldy just needs better gear so he doesnt resist :P
well, at least its better then "Baldhighlander" his MB was just pathetic, made yours LOOK like god. you should really edit out his name because if i was him i would be embarrassed, seriously.