That exp could be higher, ur notes is half of what ur max exp is at ur rank. so he coulda got 2k more in notes as well just have to do more of w/e he's not doin. which is prolly healing or taking dmg. so like if he does more of that he'll get more exp/notes. i get 3k ish as blu wit tank my set (-dmg gear) b4 i had the set i only did dmg and healed and was getting round 2k+ a battle wit highest rank. u get exp/notes for healing,buff,debuff,dmg delt/recieve. there was a link on wiki i just dont remember how to pull it up
It is pretty easy to get that much as SAM/DNC (with a Soboro). My record is somewhere around 5k exp for one battle. Just gotta try to be there from the start of the battle, and tank mobs. Between the damage you deal, the damage you take, and the damage you cure (waltzes and samba), you make a lot. And obviously, the longer the battle lasts, the more you're gonna get. :P
Highest i've gotten was 6065... was a 2hour battle in Meriph. Mount.
Its easy as long as your on the right job, i was DRG/RDM... tanked about 7-8 mobs by myself before people showed up... afterwards it was just about multi-tasking to max exp.. Curing, Buffing, Attack rounds, WS's.