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Screenshots » id:23792
Score: 4.84
Votes: 25
Classification Player » Samwytch
Date Submitted 2009-08-23 18:40:11
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Comments (11)
Fenrir.Nightfyre[Report] Score: 0
Has nobody considered the possibility that this isn't Samwytch's Hagun? I've seen D+2 Haguns before, this is entirely possible.
2009-08-23 22:48:40
Fairy.Azulmagia[Report] Score: 0
Thing is, unless you give evidence to the fact that it's real, people are going to doubt it regardless.
2009-08-23 23:20:26
Valefor.Arborio[Report] Score: -1
Major league ballz!
2009-08-24 03:17:57
Sylph.Shizhizle[Report] Score: -1
Nice augs. and its real >.>
2009-08-24 12:36:24
Ramuh.Haseyo[Report] Score: -1
Now this seems highly unlikely.
2009-08-23 21:33:50
Ragnarok.Sabretooth[Report] Score: -1
actually i seen the person with this on my server one lucky son of a ***
2009-08-23 22:08:12
Bahamut.Rumaha[Report] Score: -1
I find this very hard to believe, I'd have to see at least a picture of it on a character.
2009-08-23 23:39:49
Caitsith.Daltan[Report] Score: -1
2010-03-14 17:57:37
Midgardsormr.Sox[Report] Score: -3
I'm betting it's fake. The guy Samwytch only has a lvl37 SAM. Also a Hagun is not in his EQ history as of Aug 24, 2009
2009-08-24 04:24:13
Odin.Zicdeh[Report] Score: -6
Ever the pessimistic ***, I have to say this is faked. A simple attempt for someone with a horde of Haguns attempting to skyrocket the price.
2009-08-23 20:38:24