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Screenshots » id:12541
Score: 7.73
Votes: 22
Classification Item » Arco De Velocidad
Date Submitted 2009-02-26 14:09:47
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Comments (3)
Fairy.Azulmagia[Report] Score: 3
Aeowin is clearly challenged. If he wasn't in a party, the Arete Del Sol would have gone to Treasure Pool, not immediately dropped to him. He also got 280 EXP, more evidence.
2009-06-21 14:29:04
Bismarck.Samanosuke[Report] Score: -2
it's possible, if he doesn't use Melee and give him tp then he can't use 1 bazillion needles. Who cares anyway...good for him :] RDM POWER.
2009-08-18 23:20:00
Quetzalcoatl.Scwall[Report] Score: -3
That cactus is so boring. After duoing it with a friend 20+ times it wouldn't drop for us.

My duo buddy didn't show up one day, so I killed it solo.


Counting my solo kills and our duos, that puts me at 2/32.

Will my duo buddy ever see a bow? Or will the 3rd be from another solo? lol
2009-09-07 14:14:13