Jayren - Phoenix

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PM Phoenix.Jayren

Item Price AH Price
chirich ring +1 9000000
savory shank 300000
Haoma's ring 1000000
clump of red pondweed 200000
pouch of liminal residue 25000
beastly shank 100000
duelist's torque +2 35000000
dryadic abjuration tatter 1000
vitiation sword 1000000
Lungo-Nango jadeshell 600000
mache earring +1 3000000
coin of decay 1000
pantin fists 3500000
bard's charm +2 33000000
Zomorrodnegar 70000000
duelist's torque +1 1500000
cup of sweet tea 200000
voodoo crown 2000000
Moralltach 95000000
luhlaza sword 15000000
bard's charm +1 1200000
jug of honey wine 150000
futhark torque +1 2500000
bagua charm +1 1000000
mache earring 170000
commodore charm +1 1000000
patissiere's ring 2000000
clump of blue pondweed 100000
Ninurta's sash 3000000
cleric's torque +2 35000000
bagua charm +2 34000000
etched memory 50000
pinch of riftcinder 650000
chirich ring 1750000
Crocea Mors 70000000
dashing subligar 10000000
clump of riftdross 550000
one hundred byne bill 500000
Minerva's ring 100000