Illythiadomina - Asura

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PM Asura.Illythiadomina
Windurst 10 | Tortoise Torturer
-- aka Seoulgirl & Sura --------- A HUGE thank you to Ejderha (mostlyyoubuttface), Earwig, Crumps, and Kreed for making me my BOOOOMMAAAGGEDDDOONN!!! <3!! You guys are the best ever =D 8/19/12 RoooOOOAR!

Comments (12)
Asura.Wyvernsoul[Report] Score: -16
Hey sorry but FFXI just dosen't do anything for me anymore its lost alot of its buzz not to mention only a few people play that are worth playing with anymore you can always E-mail me if you wanna chat still.
2012-01-28 11:55:01
Asura.Triffle[Report] Score: -1
I request cookies!
2012-01-30 00:17:03
Asura.Hotsoups[Report] Score: 2
I claim this pocket in the name of Hotsoups!
2012-06-11 06:42:43
Asura.Kreed[Report] Score: -3
oherro ;) <3
2012-09-08 22:42:16
Asura.Tubguy[Report] Score: 2
But who would hold down the fort for when you guys inevitably figure out that WoW is dumb and want to come back? Seekers is out on 3/26... Just sayin'.

We miss you guys bunches! <33333
2013-01-06 14:35:26
Asura.Earwig[Report] Score: 2
Illybutt, I love you all to death, but I have absolutely no desire whatsoever to join in on WoW. Make sure to have lots of fun stories when you're back on XI :D (Wait... You will be back for seekers, right???)
2013-01-09 23:00:41
Phoenix.Grimoireheart[Report] Score: -1
omg hi illy its kev from asura moved over to phoenix couple old timers iv know from years here so made the move pm me !! let me know how u been
2013-01-30 11:25:27
Asura.Synoster[Report] Score: -1
Hi Lilly Good to see your back i think ???
2013-03-11 17:19:22
Asura.Wardulak[Report] Score: 2
Sad Taru is sad. Tell everyone that Team Tubpot misses them lots.
2013-04-03 22:26:13
Asura.Azriel[Report] Score: 1
Teach me how to post screenshots!
2013-04-15 18:55:29
Screenshots (38)