-- aka Seoulgirl & Sura --------- A HUGE thank you to Ejderha (mostlyyoubuttface), Earwig, Crumps, and Kreed for making me my BOOOOMMAAAGGEDDDOONN!!! <3!! You guys are the best ever =D 8/19/12 RoooOOOAR!
Hey sorry but FFXI just dosen't do anything for me anymore its lost alot of its buzz not to mention only a few people play that are worth playing with anymore you can always E-mail me if you wanna chat still.
But who would hold down the fort for when you guys inevitably figure out that WoW is dumb and want to come back? Seekers is out on 3/26... Just sayin'.
Illybutt, I love you all to death, but I have absolutely no desire whatsoever to join in on WoW. Make sure to have lots of fun stories when you're back on XI :D (Wait... You will be back for seekers, right???)