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AbysseaFienz [Asura]
Members: 3
Main focus is Abyssea - Current Status of members: Deelit - S2 Vere ~ Paulilla - S3 Twashtar,S2 Kanagi ~ Tezmania - S3 Masa,S3 Ochain,S0 Almace,S2 Vere ~ Chatree - S3 Masa,S0 uko ~ Warukyure - S3 Vere,S2 Uko ~ Llama - S2 Masa
Overall (Server)
Type [End Game]
Character Shell Active Pm
PaulillaXPMR.I.P. LosAlasRojas... Comunidad hispana FTW! <<<Kannagi(90) & Twashtar(90)>>> ...White mage at heart...
TezmaniaXPMAlc @ 106 Fish @ 100 Bone @ 100 Synergy 80 ~ Atma of the Savior ~ Masamune (90) + Verethragna (85) + Ochain (90) + Almace (85) + Armageddon (85) + Kanaggi (85) + Aegis + Fulgurante 99 *Check comment for Thankyous!* ~Looking for NNI Group GMT