A well known source of Gil for crafters and farmers alike! The most common areas) :
-Meriphataud Mountains.
-Sauromugue Champaign.
Or in some higher-level zones if you're looking for higher drop rates (Generally used by crafters) :
-Kuftal Tunnel.
-Cape Teriggan.
-Uleguerand Range.
Good luck, have fun farming, or crafting. ^^;
Many users follow the pattern of ratings with great common sense, and as a general rule: Users who post practical information about an item [In this case, the use of the item, NPC pricing, where to buy, et cetera] are rated positively. This is because the information we're recieving is beneficial, so we don't have to go searching information on different web pages.
Posting about monatery value, RMT, undercutting and overpricing isn't useful to anyone. Yeah, it sucks, but we all know that as common sense.
It's a good idea to farm these from the Deinonychus around the manta pond in Kuftal Tunnel while you wait your ten minutes. If you're lucky you can even have some fun with good old Yowie.
RMT dont undercut, its the senseless players who are trying to be smartasses that are under cutting. Look at it this way, undercutting=more u have to farm=less time u have to do everything else=boring game. Use ur head retards.