Mushroom Saute

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Mushroom Saute  
A sumptuous blend of fungi sauteed in rich, creamy butter. MP+60 MND+6 MP recovered while healing +6
Root » Food » Meals » Vegetables
Info [Wiki] [BG Wiki] [FFXIDB]
Stock 0
Rate Slow (0.260 sold/day)
Median 3,000
Max 10,000
Min 2,000
Average 3,180
Last 3,000
Price History
8 Days Ago3,000
9 Days Ago3,000
9 Days Ago3,000
12 Days Ago3,000
GilPrice History12/181/21/112/93/105001,0001,5002,0002,5003,0003,500Export to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
Price History (25)
Mar. 16, 2025RofofonCedro3,000
Mar. 15, 2025DarkvaisuCedro3,000
Mar. 15, 2025JdverCedro3,000
Mar. 12, 2025RedmagecitoCedro3,000
Mar. 1, 2025UllaaCedro3,000
Feb. 19, 2025ZephyrxCedro3,000
Feb. 10, 2025VladamyrCedro3,000
Feb. 9, 2025SinbeeCedro3,000
Feb. 9, 2025SinbeeCedro3,000
Feb. 9, 2025SinbeeHalpan3,000
Comments (5)
Garuda.Littledarc[Report] Score: 17
Cooking (92-93)

Yield: Mushroom Sautee
HQ 1: Patriarch Sautee
Fire Crystal
1 x Agaricus
1 x Danceshroom
1 x Kazham Peppers
1 x Mhaura Garlic
1 x Misareaux Parsley
1 x Reishi Mushroom
1 x Selbina Butter
1 x Walnut
2007-11-22 12:19:02
Quetzalcoatl.Chihgo[Report] Score: 14
NPC ~ 4025 Gil
2009-12-27 14:56:07
Hades.Abbydon[Report] Score: 12
* 3 Hours
* MP+60
* MND+6
* hMP+6

Very nice WHM food at any level: more MP, massive MND boost, and a great hMP addition.
2009-12-27 11:33:45
Quetzalcoatl.Khidir[Report] Score: 6
Dial 5 Gob Mystery Box
2012-08-06 21:29:34
Quetzalcoatl.Tenchi[Report] Score: 5
Please do not go out of your way for a Misareaux Garlic, it's suppose to be Misareaux Parsley.
2010-02-07 09:45:01
Screenshots (1)
id:3855 Cooking (92)
Fire Crystal0
Kazham Peppers1,5880.05
Mhaura Garlic2,0000.02
Selbina Butter10,0003.97
Misareaux Garlic00.00
Reishi Mushroom20,0000.42
Total Cost66,088
Mushroom Saute56763,000-63,0880.17
Patriarch Saute567710,000-56,0880.04