Only a master chef could have
produced such a fine display of
Eastern cuisine.
HP+20 STR+5 DEX+6
Accuracy+16% (Max. 76)
Ranged Accuracy+16% (Max. 76)
"Resist Sleep"+2
To jole yes but in AU areas +1 will last 2 hours so its still better which ever way u go about it maybe u might wanna use NQ when fighting birds as they always steal your food but hey most dont use food lol
@jole I think the NQ would be a better buy because you have to keep in mind who pt's in 2hr segments? and if you did pt 2hrs and used another sole +1 probly half of it would go to waste. making the NQ a better buy. BUT it all matters on how long your pt'ing and what not.
Think about this a second...
Sole sushi is around 30k a stack lasts for 6 hours
Sole Sushi +1 is 50k a stack has better stats and lasts for 12 hours
that means that the +1 is cheaper in the long run because it lasts longer more per item yes but its not twice as much. if your buying sushi for dd buy this and dont go too nuts
I agree with Rikirocket why buy the regular sushi if it only lasts 30min when u can just buy the +1 sushi for not even 20k more and it lasts twice as long
Having better stats and lasting longer while not being more than twice as much does not necessarily mean it is cheaper in the long run. Other things need to be considered like: what kind of mob you are fighting, the amount of time the effects are in place, and if death happens for whatever reason.